Diligent Work

"The diligent find freedom in their work; the lazy are oppressed by work." -Proverbs 12:24

Do you enjoy your job? According to Forbes magazine, 70% of all employees hate their jobs. That's a HUGE number! It seems many of us are in jobs where we either don't enjoy the work, don't enjoy the atmosphere, or both.

I know I have been in jobs before that I didn't particularly enjoy. I worked as a server for several years and initially I DREADED the idea. But you know what's cool about God? Even if the job is not our natural bent (I was very shy) or doesn't use our gifts and talents, he can still use that job to shape us and teach us things that we wouldn't learn if we had not been in that situation.

Maybe He is developing our prayer life, to pray and interceed for a less-than-ideal workplace. Perhaps He is testing our hearts with how we respond to tasks we don't particularly enjoy. But, even if we are working in a subpar environment, if we work as unto God, we will find eternal reward.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23&24

So even if we aren't in work we particularly enjoy yet, we can know that the work we do has spiritual value in God's kingdom. If we carry a mindset of "I am working as unto the Lord today," we will find that even the most mundane or uncomfortable of tasks can have eternal value. When we are faithful in the little things, God can promote us to bigger things.

Are you a diligent worker?

Related resource: The 9 to 5 Window: How Faith Can Transform the Workplace by Os Hillman

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