
"Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank." -Proverbs 22:29

Marketing guru Seth Godin wrote a book called The Dip. In it he describes the natural lull we experience after beginning a project, changing a habit, or beginning something new. He examines the difference between "the dip" and something that is not worth pursuing. His recommendation is if you're not the best at something, quit while you're ahead and find something in which you can excel!

This is good advice. No body looks for a product or service that's mediocre, no matter what they need. If you're looking for a dentist, you're more than likely going to choose the best one, as long as they're affordable. Either people are looking for the best features, or they're looking for best value. You don't want to be an employee or a company that's mediocre.

On a personal level, I tend to believe that God has given each of us at least one thing that we're good at. Everyone has a gift. Maybe it's not something we view as conventional. We are continually in pursuit of discovering those gifts and talents. Sometimes the cultivation of these talents takes a long time, like a bottle of wine. But when they are ready, it's awesome to see God use them.

Whatever you do, do it the best. You may not be perfect, but it means you put forth your best effort. Best does not mean perfect. Excellence does not mean flawless. It means "of the highest quality or standard, or of the most excellent type." (Encarta World English Dictionary.) And excellence is something God blesses.

"May He equip you he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen." -Hebrews 13:21

Related resource: Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets: 5 Questions to Help You Determine Your Next Move, by Andy Stanley

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