How to Hear God's Voice

“Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track." -Proverbs 3:6

It was Monday morning, during our staff Bible study time. My dad asked, "How do you hear God?" Out came a myriad of responses.

"A thought pops into my mind of someone, and that's how I know I'm supposed to pray for them."

"I get a sense of His Spirit, then I get a word or a phrase."

"I hear Him when I'm driving in the car. It mostly comes in pieces throughout the day, but then all the pieces link together to form a picture."

"When I'm talking to someone, I get a certain emotion. It's like God gives me empathy for that person and I know what to pray on their behalf."

Have you ever thought about the fact that we all hear God differently?

Because each of us is wired uniquely, with different gifts and talents, we may not hear God the same way. God speaks to each of us in a way that we can understand Him, often through our gifts or love language.

Learning to hear God's voice is a unique process of reading the word, acknowledging that God is around us, and "opening our ears", so to speak, to be able to hear what He is saying to us. It took me a while to learn to hear God, because I didn't know what was me and what was Him. But, after we learn God's character and how He operates, through reading the Word and worshipping Him, we begin to discern His voice from ours.

Are you able to hear God's voice in your life? Seek this out. One of the most important things we can do as Christians is learning how to hear the voice of our heavenly Father in our lives.

Related resource: Hearing God's Voice Made Simple by Praying Medic

If you need help hearing from God, check out my friend Marjorie Whitley's ministry.

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