Our Image in Christ

"Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in Me? The words I say to you I do not speak on My own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in Me, who is doing His work." -John 14:10

Have you ever found yourself lost in something? We can often find ourselves lost in movies, entertainment, work, or other activities. It isn't wrong to be completely focused on something; in fact God calls us to work diligently and faithfully.

But when something consumes us before God, it can cause identity issues, limiting us from God's unlimited power and presence in our lives.

Recently I was sitting in church during worship, asking God some questions about certain things that were going on in my life. "Look to Me," I heard Him say. At that moment, a gush of revelation about being "in Christ" came over me.

"Your image in Me is going to look different than anybody else. Don't look to others -- look to Me. I am the source of your true identity." When we look to Jesus, we don't look to anything else to find or define ourselves. We are defined by God and His plan for our lives. We can't look to others for our identity because God has made us each unique. It is okay to honor someone who has helped you in your walk of faith, and it is okay to look to an admirable person as a good example. But, when we cross the line into comparing ourselves and trying to live exactly how they live and do the things they do in order to earn acceptance by others, we are headed for trouble. God made us each uniquely, with a unique call and a unique set of gifts for our life. We are called to live our own lives, striving to be blameless and holy — set apart for Him.

When we look to Christ, the image of our old self passes away. (2 Corinthians 5:17) We become a new creation in Him. We are no longer bound by old ways of thinking -- we are released to live life to its fullest potential. Our faith in Christ releases us to pursue all we've been given with everything we are. Our weaknesses are overcome by His image being released in us. If we are in Him then He is in us -- and our true identity will shine through. We find our true selves in Him. "Lose your life to find it," (Matthew 10:39) means when we lose ourselves in Him we find all we were really meant to be.

Do you find yourself in Christ? Let Him help you discover all you were meant to be in Him today.

Related resource: The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus by Lee Strobel

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