True Healing

"Those troubled by evil spirits were cured, and the people all tried to touch Him, because power was coming from Him and healing them all." -Luke 6:18,19

Have you ever heard of miraculous healings? Perhaps you've only heard of them in the Bible, happening way back in Jesus' time. But is there healing today, in the here and now?

 Jesus said, "Believe, that you may do these things and more, for the helper is coming to you." The helper is the Holy Spirit. And he did not say way back when- - he said now, today, tomorrow, forever. That same power can be imparted to us today for the working of miracles and healing of the sick. But it begins with Jesus.

Jesus is our true healer. He promises to restore us to perfect health. We may not know when this healing will take place. We may not know how. But we can be sure that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God does not change. And healing is in His nature, because His nature is completion. When we get closer to God, miracles can happen. When we seek the face of Jesus, we can see wonders. And when we're led by the power of the Holy Spirit, the miraculous can happen for others.

The prophet Isaiah prophesied about Jesus and said, "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5) Jesus died for our sins AND for our healing!

Do you desire healing? Does someone you know and love need the healing touch of God? Ask God today about His healing power to restore you. It may not be in the way that we expect, but God knows our hearts, and He knows what we need most. Trust Him today and have faith that He will restore whatever has been broken in your life.

Related resource: Power to Heal: Keys to Activating God's Healing Power in Your Life, by Randy Clark

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