What Comes Out of the Mess

“For God works all things for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." -Romans 8:28

Have you ever gotten yourself into a mess? I sure have. Sometimes things don't turn out quite like you plan. Perhaps you made a mistake or did something intentionally, knowing full well it would bring about a catastrophe. But what can we do after the mess has occurred? How can we pick up the pieces and deal with the brokenness we find in front of us?

Maybe you were caught doing drugs or cheating on a test. Maybe you were caught lying or stealing, or got involved in a compromising situation. Perhaps it was a little more subtle. Maybe you didn't do what you felt God wanted you to do. Whatever the case, getting into a mess can have ugly consequences.

Once we've discovered the consequences of our actions, known or unknown to others, then what do we do?

The first step is to repent. Even if the mess was caused by something we were initially unaware was wrong, we need to renounce our actions to become pure before God by saying, "God, I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. Please forgive me." Even if you feel the situation is more than you can possibly bear, ask God if He will help you turn it around. God is so forgiving and He is faithful. We have to trust that in spite of our human frailties, He has the power to work things for our good.

Have you seen something good come out of your mess? Everybody makes mistakes - it doesn't matter who you are. But the key is taking those mistakes and learning from them. One day, these life lessons may become gems we can in turn pass along to others.

Related resource: The Upside of Adversity: Rising from the Pit to Greatness by Os Hillman

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