When Faith Seems to Fail Us

"For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." -Hebrews 11:1

Have you ever hoped for something for so long that your hope died? Have you ever "had faith" in something that failed you? I am sure we all have. When it happens, it makes life difficult. But the most difficult circumstance is when we think our God, all-powerful, all knowing, all-loving, seems to fail us.

Maybe it was a promotion at work. Maybe it was a relationship that we thought was going to work out. Maybe it was something we thought God told us about, even more than once. Maybe it was a promise of healing. Whatever the case, God is continually working behind the scenes to bring about His desired result.

When our friends fail us, God stands firm. When our circumstances change, He still remains the same. When we mess up, God does never rejects us as we turn toward Him. It is in the doubt that we find death. But it is in faith in Jesus that we find life. The beginning of faith is hope. As hope grows, it becomes a substance. It becomes real to us. We can believe that the things Jesus said are true. His character never changes. Only our circumstances do.

It takes faith to bring to pass the desired result, but it may not look like we thought it would. The promise has to occur in the spiritual before it can manifest in the natural. If there's something God has shown you, test it with faith. In God's economy, His currencies are faith, hope and love. We test our faith by taking steps toward the things He has promised to us. Proverbs 24:16 says the righteous may fall seven times, but they get up again.

Let the God who is never changing be your refuge when life doesn't seem to make sense, and keep standing on His promises. His unfailing love will always be there no matter what life or the enemy throws our way! (Psalm 136)

 Related resource: If God Is In Control, Then Why...? by Craig Hill

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