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A Three-Stranded Cord

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” -Ecclesiastes 4:12

One day I was talking with a friend who described how she was delivered from anxiety.

“I was always stuck in my head,” she said, “It was like no matter what I did I kept thinking about something over and over again in my mind, replaying the possibilities. I couldn’t get away from my own thoughts of anxiety and fear.”

She then shared what changed.

“There were three things, in tandem, that helped me. First, reading the word - and not just reading the Bible, but meditating upon it. There would be a verse on anxiety, and I would meditate upon that verse.”

She continued. “The second thing that helped me was prayer. I made prayer a daily disciple. I would pour out my heart to God and ask Him for His help. I would listen for answers. I would actively let go of my worries and entrust them to Him.”

Finally, she concluded with her third point, “I was also around believers who would encourage me and share what God had been saying to them. It was those three things that broke the hold of anxiety over my life.”

Do you have anything you need deliverance from? Apply the above three “cords” to that issue. God promises He is faithful when we seek Him, and He does not give us a stone when we ask our Heavenly Father for a loaf of bread.

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