Agreeing with God
“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." -1 John 4:1
Do you agree with God? This may seem funny to say, but each of us comes to Christ with a different perception of God, perhaps even a negative one.
Subsequently, our thoughts about God and what He thinks of us is reflected in our lives to others. If we believe God is out to get us, we will think this about people in general too. We might even have a judgmental attitude toward them.
However, in order to be effective conduits of God's love and grace, we need to agree with His TRUE nature! Through this process of understanding what God thinks about us and agreeing with Him, we might discover that we've been agreeing with the enemy for way too long.
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." -1 John 4:7&8
Here are some things the enemy might have us believe, either through circumstances or through negative things people have done or said to us in our past:
We are insignificant
No one loves/cares for us
We do not have a purpose
There is not a reason for our existence
We have to do something to earn God's love/approval
Conversely, all of the above are the exact OPPOSITE of how God wants us to believe!
Let us make sure we have aligned ourselves with God's thoughts for us, for our past, present, and future. Our God is love - and we need to agree with Him!
Related resource: Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind by Joyce Meyer
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