All Work Is Holy
“So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life - and place it before God as an offering." -Romans 12:1, The Message
Do you think of your work as holy? We tend to think of a pastor's or missionary's work as more holy than an entertainer's, a sales person's, and certainly a lawyer's. But is this really true? When Jesus came to the earth, he spent the first 30 years of his life as a carpenter, and only his last three in what we'd call "full-time ministry". I find this fact very interesting. It says in Luke 10:19 that He came to reclaim all that was lost. I believe this applies to our work as well!
Our faith can become shortsighted when we don't believe what we're doing right now is ministry, or service, to God, and to others. When we view our work as not as important as a pastor's or ministry leader's, we can fail to recognize the harvest field right in front of us. We are the church, we are Jesus' body, and we are all representatives of the gospel. Why should a title, career path or job description limit us from this Holy calling? It's all in our perception. We are more likely to settle for mediocre when we don't see everything we do as a calling from God, as a holy offering to Him.
There is something to be said for doing work that aligns with your gift mix and moving toward God's ultimate call on your life, whether that is to be a pastor, businessperson, movie director, hairstylist, or whatever else. But, even when it doesn't, and even when we are dealing with difficult co-workers, bosses, and clients, aren't we still working for God, and not for man? (Colossians 3:23-24)
Do you see your work as holy? Ask your Heavenly Father how you should view your work. Everyone's work - no matter who you are or what you do - has immense value in God's kingdom. It's important we see it that way!
Related resource: The 9 to 5 Window, by Os Hillman
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