As It Is In Heaven
"And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven." -Matthew 16:19
You know, God gave us quite an incredible gift when He sent His son Jesus to die for us. In addition to this free gift of eternal salvation, He also gave us many keys that, when activated, can move mountains on our behalf. All He said we needed to have was a mustard seed of faith, and to keep asking (Matthew 17:20, 7:7).
Recently a friend was going through a really difficult situation. Something had happened with her place of residence, and she was facing undue eviction! Understandably, she was very upset. I said, "You know what? God doesn't want you to be evicted. He wants you to have a place to live that is safe and secure. So since that is His will for you, we should pray that His will be accomplished on earth as it is in heaven." So that is exactly what we prayed!
It took several days for a decision to be reached about her eviction, but thankfully, the landlords decided to let her stay! After she discovered that the motion was halted against her, she told me and we prayed and thanked God for His moving on her behalf.
Is there anything in your life that needs to be, "on earth, as it is in heaven?" Pray with firm belief that the things you are hoping for will be manifest on the earth. God can do incredible things through us, if we will believe.
Related resource: When Heaven Invades Earth: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles by Bill Johnson
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