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Faithful in the Small Things

"But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you." -1 Samuel 12:24

One night, our worship director put us up to a challenge: "If you're feeling discouraged, or like you're hitting a brick wall, let me ask you a question: Are you doing everything within the area that you've been assigned? Have you exhausted every resource you have available to you? Have you done everything with what you've been given?"

There's a great fact about Native Americans — when they killed a buffalo, they used EVERY single part of that buffalo — from its head to its hoofs. Nothing was left unused. They knew that if they were creative, they could make something out of something that seemed useless. They understood the principle of faithfulness.

When we are faithful with the things God has entrusted to us, He knows He can entrust us with more. Have you given God reason to believe that He can entrust you with greater things than that which he's given you right now? If you're feeling frustrated and stuck, is there more you could be doing within your "sphere of influence"? This might be your job, responsibilities at home, at work, or within your community. I heard a wise young person say once, "How can I expect God to hand me the keys to culture when I haven't effectively served my community or my local church?" Now that's wisdom to take note of!

How can you be faithful in the small things? God desires much more for us than what we're doing right now. Pray and ask him what you could be doing with all that He's given to you. Use what's in your hand. He will see that He can entrust you with more.

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