Faultless Ministry
“We live in such a way that no one will stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry." -2 Corinthians 6:3
Do you have a ministry? The answer is yes! Each of us is called to be a minister. We are first called to someone (Jesus), and then we are called to represent His nature in the world. That is a huge responsibility, but we shouldn't be afraid. I heard ministry aptly described the other day: "...being an ambassador of love and reconciliation." Isn't that awesome? Once you and I are born again, anew in Christ, we are called to be ambassadors of love and reconciliation.
But, what about all the stuff that goes on out there? What about the bad reputation Christians get for "standing up for the truth"; being judgmental, narrow minded, and hypocritical? It is quite a battlefield, and it's true if we're going to represent Jesus accurately, we need to be cautious and accountable for how we live our lives. I love the verse above: "We live in such a way that no one will stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry."
There are many examples of ministry gone wrong. The sign on the street that says "God hates gays", financial distributions out of whack, stingy tips at a restaurant, and all around rude or difficult behavior. Still, some confess to be Christians but live the same way as the world. We as the body of Christ definitely have some work to do.
But all of this doesn't mean we don't continue to try. God has given us the biggest responsibility on earth - to represent Him wherever we are. That is a huge honor. And it doesn't mean we're perfect, by any means. But we understand that in our weakness, we are made strong - because of our dependence on His grace. (2 Corinthians 12:10)
Do you know that you are God's minister to a hurting world? You could be the very person that brings hope into someone's life. Seek after Jesus in all things. Be an ambassador of love and reconciliation. He will make your life count.
Related resource: Seven Practices of Effective Ministry
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