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Fulfilling Our Calling

"So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things, and you will never fall away. Then God will give you a grand entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." -2 Peter 10 & 11

We live in a rockstar-mentality world. What I mean by this is, many of us think that the ultimate goal of our lives is to be seen and recognized by multitudes of people, much like Taylor Swift or Oprah Winfrey. It has become an epidemic in our society!

Conversely, people who become successful rarely make it a goal to be famous. They just made it a goal to serve people right where they are and be the best they could be.

As Christians, the best we can be is living by the word of God and finding ways of working in our "sweet spot" in order to share the gospel with the most people possible. This can be through art, through business, through technology, or through whatever industry we find ourselves in -- even if for the moment it is an industry or job position we don't particularly like.

I remember having a conversation with someone at church once and I was saying to them, "I just feel like I'm running behind, like God has this plan for my life, and I missed something -- I am not where I am supposed to be." The person I was talking to said, "But you are here, and that means you are right where you're supposed to be."

At the time, it didn't make me feel any better. I'm sure David must've felt the same way after he was anointed to be king but went back to tending sheep! Life is a journey, and as John Maxwell says, "Growth stops when you lose the tension stops between where you are and where you want to be." The tension we may be feeling is the impetus for growth.

We might have professional and personal goals we want to reach, but what we need to realize is, right now is our calling. It's not some far off thing in the future -- there is no dress rehearsal for life. So, serving others and being the best we can be within the moment is truly living out our calling.

Who can you encourage today, right where you are? Start with today. Every turn we make impacts our future, but the great thing is, we can start living life, walking in the kingdom and impacting others right now, right from where we are.

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