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Garbage In, Garbage Out!

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." -Romans 12:2

Have you ever noticed how certain forms of media, whether it's the news, music, or movies, can make us feel depressed, sad or yucky after we've been under their influence? In contrast, have you noticed how certain things make you feel better, feel inspired or help you gain a different outlook on life?

How we spend our time and what we listen to affects our lives, whether we realize it or not. It may not be apparent immediately, but we may notice ourselves saying more negative things after watching a news broadcast, or being more edgy than normal after watching a certain TV show. The types of people we hang around are likely the kind of people we will be.

Much like diet and health, (we are what we eat), what we pay attention to has an impact on us in a positive or negative way. That's why it's essential we have good habits such as prayer and spending time with God. When we cloud our minds with negativity, we can close ourselves off to possibility. The "can'ts" outnumber the "how can I's" when we let outside forces do our thinking for us. We need to be intentional about what we allow into our lives daily. These things, no matter how small they may seem, can affect us for the long haul.

Who, or what, do you want influencing you? Do you want the media, news and stock reports, and reality TV influencing your life? Or, would you rather the Bible, good teaching, worship and education to improve your skills influencing you?

What are you feeding yourself daily?

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