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Having Faith in Spite of Circumstances

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." -Proverbs 5:5-6

Elizabeth* went to her job one morning only to be taken aside by her boss, away from the other employees. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth, but your position has been eliminated. Please go inside and pack up your things and go home."

Elizabeth was shocked at the loss of her job. Technically, it shouldn't have been her who got fired. There were several people who had been at the company for less time and others who were paid more than she was. Plus, they were right in the middle of a big project, and her expertise was needed. Nonetheless, no matter how unfair the situation was, Elizabeth found herself unemployed and uncertain about the future she had been dreaming about. She didn't know now, in the midst of a bad economy, if success in her field was possible for her.

Sometimes circumstances happen that are outside our control. Maybe we took a wrong turn. Maybe somebody else's poor decisions had a direct effect on us. Even so, God is still sovereign, no matter what's going on in our lives. Sometimes we need to activate our faith to trust Him. Other times we need to activate our faith to move forward. Elizabeth decided she would do both.

Applying to multiple jobs with a recruiter, she actively sought out new employment. Unsure of her skills and a bit frightened about the future, she charged ahead anyway, knowing that God would provide. In spite of the less than ideal economy and 10-12% unemployment, she trusted that God would have the job she needed.

About a week later a recruiter called asking for an interview. She didn't feel like she had the best interview, because the interviewers couldn't express whether or not they liked her. On to the next interview, which went great. The offer came, followed by a second from the first company. The two companies were fighting over her! In the end, the first one who ended up offering more pay and more growth opportunity gained Elizabeth as their newest employee.

Sometimes life throws us curveballs. It's what we do with them that determines our course. Will we stand defeated? Or will we trust God and charge ahead, knowing He has our best in store?

*Name has been changed.

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