Hiding Place
“You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." -Psalm 32:7
We used to sing a song at church called "Hiding Place". "You are my hiding, you are my hiding place..." It was a catchy praise tune, but it was also a great reminder of where we put our trust.
Life can be harsh sometimes. When we're going through difficulty or we're experiencing rejection, hurt or betrayal, it's especially essential that God becomes our habitation.
From what place do you live your life? Is your heart hidden in God, or do you put your heart out there, unprotected, for all the world to see?
There is a great quote for all the single ladies... "A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find her."
During David's "pit" phase when Saul was trying to kill him, he wrote many Psalms to comfort and remind himself that His fate and his heart was in the hands of God.
There will be times in our lives where we feel disappointed, hurt, and vulnerable. But it is during those times that God is teaching us to find our habitation and our protection in Him. When we truly find our identity in the "hiding place" of our God, there is nothing in this world that can shake us.
Is God your hiding place?
Related resource: Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard
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