Love with No Agenda
“For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" -Galatians 5:14
How can we best share the gospel with others? There is an art to doing it, for sure. I remember trying to share Jesus with a friend of mine when I was young, and she asked me why she should believe in Jesus. I pleadingly replied, "So you don't go to hell!"
Thankfully, there is a much better way to let people know about Jesus' love for them.
Leif Hetland's main passion is to go to places where they have never heard the name of Jesus - especially in Muslim countries. Since the inception of his ministry, thousands have come to know Jesus all over the world. Leif has this to say about how to be successful sharing Jesus with others: "As soon as love has an agenda, it is no longer love."
He's said he's had the greatest success loving people, serving them, and bringing God's kingdom into their lives - without having an agenda. Naturally the leaders they talk to want to know what is different. Healing and miracles are a big part of what they do.
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way." - 1 Corinthians 13:4
Where there is no agenda, fear is gone. Will you commit yourself to loving others with no agenda?
Related resource: Called To Reign: Living and Loving from a Place of Rest by Leif Hetland
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