Our True Identity
"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." -Matthew 16:18
Have you ever found yourself lacking confidence? Have you ever found yourself doubting the call of God on your life? I think all of us go through this, even the most mature Christian. But when we get to this place, we need to go back to God's promises, and go back to remembering our true identity in Christ. (Perhaps we might even need to begin a journey of truly discovering it!)
Simon Peter was someone in the Bible who is cited as being impulsive and emotional, as evidenced by his unending questions and rash decisions. His name, Simon, meant reed - which is blown and swayed by the wind. But when Jesus first meets Peter, He says, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Peter." -John 1:42
It's interesting to me that during the time Peter was Jesus' disciple, he is called by two names. I might be a little confused in my identity if I was given two names! But at the end of his three years with Jesus, He tells him, "I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."
Peter went from being called something that defined his past mistakes and shortcomings in character to being called a rock - something sturdy, steady, and characteristic of his new life build on The Rock - Jesus. Masks (our false identity) come out of our flesh or wounding, the areas where the enemy has defined us. Our true identity comes from God, via revelation by the Holy Spirit, by submitting our lives to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. God always sees us in the context of our future destiny, not our past failures.
Are there any areas where the enemy has defined you? Have you allowed your relationship with Jesus to re-define you? Are you on a journey of discovering who you really are in Him? I pray that we will continue to grow into the fullness of all we were meant to be in Him.
Related resource: Becoming Who You Are: Embracing The Power Of Your Identity In Christ, by Dutch Sheets
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