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Reaching for the Gold

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize." -1 Corinthians 9:24

Several years ago, a lady at my church had given me a recording from a women's meeting I had missed the week before.

On the way to an evening small group, I popped the CD in my CD player on the drive there. The woman on the recording began to speak about "running the race" of faith. She explained that Olympic runners don't get up at 5am to win the silver or bronze medal - they want to win the gold! At that very moment something struck a chord within me.

I had been dating a guy for a couple of years, and our belief systems were very different. He came from a different faith background than me, and my growth as a Christian at my new church wasn't doing much for our relationship. I knew at that moment I had to break it off. This wasn't what I wanted for my life. I wanted more.

Though the breakup was hard, I felt so relieved when it happened! It was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Even though I couldn't see the full picture and I had been scared to leave before, I knew that God had something better for my life. The relationship had become unhealthy, and I was struggling to grow. It definitely wasn't God's best for me.

Now I am married to a wonderful man that had I not made that choice years earlier, I would've never had the opportunity to know. I am so thankful God rescued me out an unhealthy situation, so I could be given a better chance to "run my best race."

God desires that each of us run the race of faith - to the very best of our ability. Is there anything you feel you're settling for in your life? Nothing is going to be completely perfect, but is there anything you're not doing or are doing now that you'll regret later? Think about your passions and what God has put on your heart. When you're sitting on your deathbed, will there be anything you wished you would've tried? Reach for the gold!

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