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Information Versus Revelation

"I received my message from no human source, and no one taught me. Instead, I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ." -Galatians 1:12

Have you ever gotten a revelation before? A revelation is different from just receiving information. I remember when I got the revelation that God really did love me... my life has never been the same!

 There is plenty of information going around in the world, and in churches too. But what about revelation? How do we know when we've received a revelation? You'll know that you've received a revelation on something when you receive something powerful in your spirit, along with the words that are being expressed. Revelation comes through the heart, while knowledge comes through the mind.

However, revelation, if it's truly revelation, will not only change our hearts, but it will also renew our minds. Getting a revelation transforms us, helping us become more like Christ. How can we get revelation, or - how can we give it to others?

In the Bible, it says revelation was given by the Spirit. We can share the revelations we have received with others, so that they will receive the same revelation too. But, there will be people in your life that may not get the same revelation even if you tell them about it. Revelation is caught, not taught - and can be received in church services, in prayer, or at any time we are attune to God's voice in our lives. True revelation will always align with the plumb line of God's word.

Have you gotten a revelation lately? I pray each of us receive regular revelation, not just information, concerning the things of God, so that we and others might be truly transformed.

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