God Speaks to Us Where We Are
"When Jesus came by, He looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. 'Zacchaeus!' He said. 'Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home today.'" -Luke 19:5
Has God ever spoken to you right where you are? I heard a funny joke one time that a pastor shared. "Do you think God speaks to sinners? If you don't, then how on earth did you all get here?"
I had bought tickets to see Third Day for my husband's birthday. The opening act was a man named Josh Wilson, a great musician with some great songs. On one of the last songs, he shared his inspiration for the song. He said that there was a season in his life where he had struggled with panic attacks. I looked at Justin and my eyes began to water, because he had struggled with a similar issue due to an allergic reaction several years prior where his throat swelled and he felt like he couldn't breathe. I thought it was such a cool thing, God putting that there in the concert - seemingly just for him.
In the Biblical story of Zacchaeus, Zacchaeus was a tax collector who really wanted to see Jesus. Today we might call him a groupie. However, he was short, so he decided to climb a tree in order to get a better look at Jesus. But Jesus prophetically knew where he was and told him to come down and said he was going to be a guest at his house. Zacchaeus was overjoyed. And even though the people disapproved and called Zacchaeus a notorious sinner, Jesus called Zacchaeus right where he was.
Has God ever spoken to you right where you are, right into your situation? Praise Him today for His faithfulness. If it has been a while or you have never felt God speak into your situation, pray and seek Him that He would reveal Himself to you today. He so delights in being near to His children and speaking to us right where we are.
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