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His One and Only

"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord's holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." -Ephesians 3:17-19

Have you ever wanted to be someone's one and only? I know I have. When I was young, I dreamed of one day being the sole object of one wonderful person's affection, who loved and cherished me completely. (Of course, when I dreamed of such a person, he had no faults, even though I knew I had them!)

Before I was married, I longed to feel loved and important. It took a while before that happened for me. But, surprisingly, it was not my husband who first made me feel this way. He was the second person. The first person was God.

God loves us sooo dearly. He wants to us feel like His one and only, all the time! I think it's a little different for women than it is for men. We are His girls. We are His cherished ones. And, if we let Him, He will tell us which relationships are good for us and which ones are not. The truth is, God can be this person for us, even if we are looking for that "special someone", in the natural.

As for guys, he loves you just as much! Although the relationship may be a little different, (more like a father to a son), He desires that you know His love and that His love will sustain you, even as you are waiting for your spouse. He desires to fill in all the areas where we lack, so our sufficiency is in Him.

Sometimes it's hard to believe how much God loves us because of what our experiences have taught us. But, the reality is, when we put God first in our lives and believe what He says, we can know His love and feel like His one and only.

Do you feel like you are the apple of God's eye? He desires that we know His love, more than anything or anyone else. Seek Him out and experience His love today.

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