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Salty & Sweet

"Kind words are like honey — sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." -Proverbs 16:24  

What does it mean to be salty or sweet? A friend of mine put together a website that parallels the internal state of our hearts with flavors. I thought it was such a great way to think about guarding our hearts and making sure we stay at a good balance of "salty" and "sweet"!

I love being around salty sweet people. To me, this means a person who has an understanding of the love of God in their life, (sweet) and also an understanding of His boundaries and revelation (salty). These two words can also parallel spending time with God, as Mary did, (sweet) and also doing the work of God (salty) — as Martha did. Both are essential components of the Christian life.

However, sometimes when situations get us down, they can allow us to get bitter or sour, instead of salty or sweet. There are many people in the world who are still dealing with past hurts or wounds, unable to get past them. (Unfortunately, many of these people are Christians!) When our circumstances are continuously negative, it is easy to question the good nature of God and allow our hearts to get bitter or sour. But the truth of the matter is, we must learn to forgive and let go. We shouldn't let outside circumstances, people, or things dictate our faith or keep us from experiencing God's love in our lives. If we allow Him to, Jesus can heal those things that have turned us bitter or sour so that we will be cleansed and become salty and sweet instead. That way, we won't leave people with a bad taste in their mouths from being around us!

Are you salty and sweet, or are there any areas in your life where you are sour or bitter? Pray and ask God to cleanse your heart from any form of sourness or bitterness. He desires that we be continuously filled with His overflowing love and light.

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